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Social Enterprise Boost: Mirabel Lavelle

Our latest Social Enterprise Boost case study highlights Mirabel Lavelle, allergy safety advocate and founder of Write by Mirabel.  

Social entrepreneur Mirabel Lavelle's journey into social entrepreneurship began with a mission close to her heart: raising Allergy Safety Awareness. Her grandson suffered a severe allergic reaction as a baby. He was sometimes excluded from parties and social activities such as Easter egg hunts and trick-or-treating, as people around him were afraid to have him around food due to his sensitivity to some of the most common food groups. Determined to ensure his inclusion and safety, Mirabel began campaigning for allergy awareness and educating others about allergy safety.

Like any entrepreneur, Mirabel faced challenges. Financial constraints and networking hurdles posed significant obstacles. Fortunately, with the guidance of her advisor, Melissa Middleton, and participation in the Social Enterprise Boost Programme, Mirabel navigated these challenges. She honed her marketing, AI, and finance skills through the programme, gaining insights and practical knowledge crucial for her venture's success.

"My experience with the Social Enterprise Boost Programme has been highly beneficial, it has helped me with my practical skills, and it helped me create a solid foundation to pursue my entrepreneurial goals."

Mirabel found the Social Enterprise Boost Programme vital in shaping her business endeavours. The programme provided essential support in establishing her business's core foundations. Through the programme, she has received comprehensive guidance from PNE in developing resources, social media presence, marketing strategies, budgeting, SMART planning, and maintaining focus.

Mirabel and her social enterprise have significantly benefited from working with PNE. She has gained more confidence and made progress in her business, thanks to the support in developing her business identity and improving her self-awareness. The Social Enterprise boost programme has also helped Mirabel expand her professional network, allowing her to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and realise that she is not alone in starting her own business.

"It's a marathon, not a sprint. Believe in yourself and consult with PNE – I think they are the best in the business."

Mirabel has a vision for the future where society is more inclusive and supportive of individuals with life-threatening allergies. Her plans focus on advocating for greater understanding and protection for people with severe allergies. Specifically, she aims to create safe environments where individuals with allergies can feel confident and free from social anxiety and fear. Mirabel believes it is essential to start with initiatives aimed at school children, ensuring they can participate in activities like parties without compromising their safety. Ultimately, this will allow them to enjoy fulfilling, anxiety-free childhoods. 

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